Lower blefaroplasty / Lower eyelid lift

Lower eyelid surgery, also known as lower blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the lower eyelids. During this procedure, Dr. Lorenz Larcher will address issues such as excess skin, fat deposits, and under-eye bags to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated look. Our skilled surgeons utilize precise techniques to tighten the lower eyelid tissue and restore a natural contour to the area.

Postoperative Course

Following lower eyelid surgery, a short recovery period is expected. Some mild swelling and bruising may occur, but these symptoms will gradually diminish over time. Dr. Lorenz Larcher and his team will provide you with detailed postoperative instructions to promote optimal healing. Most patients can resume their normal activities within a few weeks, while the final results become increasingly apparent in the following months.

Indication and Benefits

Lower eyelid surgery is suitable for patients experiencing concerns such as excess skin, fat deposits, or under-eye bags in the lower eye area. These aesthetic issues can contribute to a tired and aged appearance

Benefits trough lower eyelid surgery

1. Youthful and refreshed appearance: Lower eyelid surgery can provide you with a more youthful and refreshed look by reducing under-eye bags and removing excess skin. This results in a more vibrant appearance.

2. Improved self-confidence: With an enhanced appearance of the eye area, lower eyelid surgery often boosts self-confidence and well-being. You will feel more confident and radiate a positive image.

3. Natural results: Our experienced surgeons strive to achieve natural-looking results that enhance your individual beauty and highlight your natural features.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lorenz Larcher and obtain further information about lower eyelid surgery. We are committed to helping you refresh your eye area and restore a youthful appearance!

Contact us for a consultation

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Our team will be happy to help you choose the right treatment for you. During a consultation, all your needs will be taken into account and questions about the treatments, possible downtime, risks and treatment costs will be answered.

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